Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dr. Mario.

Hey i can beat mama almost every time we play Dr. Mario, so don't forget me! but, now i don't git to play it that much because mama plays with people in the world. so much for this post, i forgot to tell you something i i mean Winn we git are Wii controllers back to work i will tell my mama to play a few games, and winn we are don with those few games i will do a nother post about how menny times i WINED and how menny times mama WINED.


Mommy said...

Good news Alexandra! Last night Daddy put new batteries in the extra controller. So now we have two that work and we can start playing against eachother again! Yay!!!

Want to play a game after school?

Jenn said...

I want to learn how to play Dr. Mario!
Alexandra, do you have a new contest for us yet?

Daddy said...

Alexandra, you are the best 6 year old Dr. Mario player ever!